


恭喜你,你很快就要出国留学了! 申请过程已经过去了, there are just a few things you need to do in order to prepare for your time abroad.

Please review the requirements that you need to complete 之前 you leave campus, as well as information that will help you get ready for your experience. 除了, you should be receiving program specific information directly from your program or university.

We are thrilled you have been selected to participate in a study abroad program.  Our goal is for you to maximize your time abroad by continuing to research your host country, university/program so you can transition to your new living environment with ease.  This section of our website contains useful information to further prepare you for this life-changing journey.



This meeting brings together students who have been approved to study abroad. We will go over important information to help you prepare for your time abroad. You will receive an email with details about this event, including the date, time, and location.

Prior to your departure you will need to submit the following forms through your 留学门户网站:

  • 完成的学习内容和评估(全球).weightloss-advice.com)
  • 护照复印件(如需续签)
  • 学生签证复印件(如果东道国要求)
  • 航班行程单副本(电子版OK)
  • 海外健康保险卡/文件副本(非美国健康保险卡/文件.S. 医疗保险)
  • 的证明 智能旅行者登记计划 (步骤)招生

We encourage students to check in with the 金融援助 Office, and review the 金融援助 Clearance Form (Cost Sheet) that they developed during your study abroad application process.

如果你目前住在校园里, you will need to cancel your on-campus housing for the term that you will be studying abroad by completing the Campus 住房 Withdrawal Form. 

If you are enrolled in a program for the Fall or Academic Year:

First Risk Advisors will send you an email to your SMC email account with all of the information, 链接, and instructions to waive out of the medical insurance plan that Saint Mary's offers. You need to complete this waiver 之前 the deadline in order to be waived from the medical insurance plan. 如果他们没有收到完整的豁免书, or if your current medical insurance plan does not meet the requirements to waive, then you will automatically be enrolled in and billed for the Saint Mary's medical insurance plan, and Saint Mary's will not be able to waive the medical insurance fee.

As a reminder, medical insurance waivers are valid for one academic year only. Each year that you do not want the medical insurance plan provided by Saint Mary's because you already have U.S.-based medical coverage, you must actively complete a waiver to remove yourself from our coverage. Taking no action will automatically enroll you in Saint Mary's plan, and will result in you receiving a bill on your student account for the amount of the plan.

If you do waive United Healthcare plan for the duration of your time abroad, 并希望在回国后注册, 你可以在返回美国后的30天内办理.S. 


If you are currently enrolled in the SMC medical insurance plan provided by United Healthcare, 你的保险单将为你在国外期间提供保险.

We recommend consider the following when playing your travel & 物流:


  • 检查你护照的有效期. 进入许多国家, your passport must be valid for at least six months beyond the last day you plan to be in the country. If your passport expires 之前 that date, you will need to renew it.
  • U.S. 市民应前往 U.S. 国务院网站 查阅有关更新护照的资料. International students should research passport renewal for their country of citizenship and be aware of how renewal may impact their U.S. 学生签证.
  • Check to see if you have empty pages for a visa stamp, if necessary.
  • Make a copy (or take a photo) of the biographical page and relevant visa page(s) in your passport. Keep a copy/photo for yourself and share one with your family in case your passport is stolen or lost. 这将有助于使更换过程更容易.


A visa is an official document issued by a foreign government that allows the bearer to legally enter their country. The visa is usually stamped or glued into the bearer’s passport. 有几种不同类型的签证, each of which afford the bearer different rights in the host country. 

Visa requirements vary by host country and country of citizenship. U.S. Citizens applying to the following location(s) will need to acquire a Student Visa for entry into their host institution:

  • 意大利
  • 西班牙
  • 法国
  • 希腊
  • 德国
  • 爱尔兰
  • 联合王国
  • 日本
  • 韩国
  • 中国

You will need to have a valid passport in order to apply for a visa. If you plan to travel to other countries after your program, be sure to check those countries' entry requirements as well (you may need another visa).

We recommend reviewing the following pages on our website for more information on the following:

沟通 & 移动电话

我们建议您研究一下您的手机套餐选择 之前 出国留学. Depending on your study abroad destination, you can either:

  • Ask your current cell phone provider for information about international calling, 发短信, 数据计划. 最你.S. 供应商将提供国际计划. However, you should understand how much data you regularly use 之前 buying a limited data package.
  • 对于一些目的地, it may be more affordable to use a local SIM card or to purchase a phone in-country. 如果您想在美国使用本地SIM卡.S. mobile phone, check with your carrier to see if your mobile phone can be unlocked.

如果你有一个有限的数据计划, try to save data for emergencies and try to use Wi-Fi for all other communications. However, don't assume that Wi-Fi will be readily available everywhere you go.